Hatsugama 2025
Jedinečná příležitost zažít autentickou japonskou kulturu všemi smysly.
O víkendu 18. – 19. ledna 2025proběhne celkem 15 ukázek přípravy čaje, které budou trvat přibližně jednu hodinu, a kapacita každé z nich je 12 hostů. Cena vstupenky je 350 korun. Svá místa rezervujte prostřednictvím formuláře na této stránce.
Urasenke Tankokai Czech Association is inviting all lovers of tea and Japanese culture to the traditional New Year celebration Hatsugama which will be held on Saturday the 18th and Sunday the 19th of January 2025. Our members will be offering all visitors delicious matcha tea and Japanese sweets made especially for this occasion. Besides the tea and sweets, the guests will also be able to enjoy a tea presentation with commentary right in the tea rooms which are to be found at the address: Na Můstku 380/8 110 00 Praha 1 (buzzer at the main entrance door.)
On the weekend of 18th-19th January 2025 there will be tea presentations which will last approximately 1 hour each. Capacity is 12 people for 1 seating. Ticket price is 350 Czk. You can make your reservation here by filling out the reservation system.
Payment has to be made in advance to our bank account. All information about payment are available in our reservation system below.
Hatsugama 2024
Zde alespoň několik málo fotografií z loňských oslav prvního kotlíku v novém roce. Velmi si vážíme návštěvy japonského Velvyslance pana Hideo Suzuki a jeho choti a pana Ito z kulturního centra. Svůj zážitek popsali ZDE.